Wednesday, April 25, 2012

eyewear(s) addiction

lately, i have a HUGE interest to eyewears; or glasses to be simply. and recently, i bought some new glasses, tee-hee. 

actually i still have A LOT of "eyewear-wish-list". hehe. here they are : 

1. round sunnies
image by chictopia

2. Grafik:Plastic sunnies/glasses
image by

you may never heard about Grafik:Plastic. they're a Korean brand and to be honest, i know this brand from BIGBANG; they usually wear Grafik:Plastic's sunnies. so because of them i know this brand and instantly love with the design. and the interesting part is, we can modify the glasses as we want (: too bad they don't have any store outside Korea and they can't ship worldwide ): 
YGFamily with Grafik:Plastic sunnies and glasses

have a great day guys~

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